

11 in '11 - Days One through Three

Apparently being a better blogger needs to be one of my resolutions :) Actually, I was just spending every minute with those I loved and thought about getting off the couch from spending time with J on Saturday to blog, but figure family is always first, right? So, on to the first three days of the blogging challenge. 

{Day One: Resolutions}
— I don't like to make big ones, because I feel that I'm setting myself up for failure. I do know that I want to focus on being a better me, and I am considering breaking resolutions down into monthly goals, like I see on a lot of blogs. Here's the short list of what I hope to do: lose some weight, spend more wisely/save more, try to be more positive and less judgmental, read more, turn off the TV and computer more often, run a 5K, be better at using this blog to document our lives - why I set it up in the first place!, keep trying new recipes, rid the "poison" from my life, and have a set date night at least once a month!

{Day Two: Favorite Holiday Memory}
— I'm going to be kind of generic here. ALL of our holidays are great and I can't choose just one memory. However, I always remember people's faces when they open the gifts I give. It is so priceless, especially when it comes as a total shock - or is something they mentioned but thought you had forgotten. For instance, this year, my siblings and I got my mom this (and the fabulous J also got one for me) but since she had other gifts from us, she didn't think she was getting it. When she realized what it was, her face was priceless!

{Day Three: Favorite Workout Tip}
— Clearly, I'm not one to be giving advice on this, as I fall off the train so often. But I guess it is to make a plan and stick to it — it should be mandatory, not flexible. My company actually pays for us to go to a gym, so I like to bring my workout clothes and change before I leave the office. If I'm already dressed, it's silly not to go, right? For me, it also helps to menu plan and have simple meals ready to cook that night (or already thrown in the Crock Pot!) so dinner is a lot easier. I typically try to work out four or five days a week, then heavy-duty clean for an hour or so each day on the weekend. Since I hope to lose at least 5 lbs this next month, we'll see how I do. And, I can't wait to read everyone else's tips, because I know I'll need them!


  1. Run a 5k is on my list too!!! Hope you make it! :)


  2. Totally agree with not making unrealistic resolutions! Why add any more stress and frustration to our lives, we definitely don't need that!

    Happy New Year and good luck with the'll be so proud of yourself once you do it!

  3. My favorite part of the holidays is seeing people open their gifts too!! I get so excited about it I can hardly wait til Christmas! Haha
    And running a 5K is on my list of new year's goals too! Now I just have to start training..

  4. I am so glad that you are linking up! I try not to make unrealistic resolutions too!

  5. Great posts...thanks for linking up!! :) Happy New Year!!

  6. That is so awesome that your company pays for your gym time!


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