

Fitness Friday

Well, I'm wrapping up my first month of hard-core, gotta get into shape exercise. 
I feel I did pretty well, minus the week that I was on meds that made me incredibly nauseous. 
I'm still down only 1.2 lbs. Which is really frustrating, as I have worked out five times this week and feel like I've been good at watching what goes in my mouth. 
Oh well. I feel a lot better (other than being tired all the time) and I think my tummy is starting to flatten out. 
Here's what I did this week:

Saturday - JM Six Weeks to Six Pack
Monday - 3.2 miles on treadmill (1.5 miles running nonstop)
Tuesday - Intervals that I just made up
Wednesday - 3.5 miles on treadmill (2 miles running nonstop)
Thursday - JM Six Weeks to Six Pack

Hopefully, I'll have better results next week! I'm starting to consider counting calories. Although I hate to be that tedious, I bet it will really open my eyes as to exactly what I am putting in my mouth. 

Are there any good iPhone apps for this? 


    There is also an app for your phone!
    You can track exercise and calorie intake.
    I use it and love it!

  2. The Restaurant Nutrition app has info for just about every major restaurant. Doesn't have regular food, but at least you can see what you're eating on those two nights per week out ;)

  3. I bet there are some great apps for that but the notion of counting calories for me is totally daunting. Boo. Have you ever heard of crossfit?


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