

Cooper: One month!

Last Friday, our sweet little angel turned one month old! Since things have been crazy frantic  a tad bit busy around here, I'm just now getting to update!

Cooper last went to the doctor when he was 2 weeks old and doesn't go back until his 2 month checkup. However, Daddy and I can tell he is definitely getting bigger. From our measurements, it seems that he is about 23 inches long and probably weighs around 11 lbs. He has completely outgrown his newborn clothes and it appears that he is starting to get too tall for some of his 0-3 month sleepers. A lot of his pants that size are still too long though - it appears that he is like his mommy and gets a lot of his height from his torso. 

Sleep has been pretty good this month, with Cooper sleeping four-six hour stretches most nights. He gets a bit frustrated lots of nights because he is really hungry beginning around 6 p.m. and I think a lot of my milk has been depleted by then. The past few days we have been working on creating a night time routine and I think we'll start doing a bottle of breastmilk at night to make sure he is getting a full tummy and see how that helps. Other than the evening, he tends to eat every 3-4 hours a day and is still being exclusively breastfed. 

We've enrolled him in the PAT program in our school district and he is progressing as he should. He was four weeks at his first home visit and then, he did everything that a child should do by six weeks. Cooper also differentiates his cries and we can often tell if he is hungry, wet, gassy or just whining.

He HATES tummy time and cries through it. But Cooper does very well at holding his head up, and we typically let him do tummy time on our laps. 

Cooper loves anything that makes noise and moves. His swing, the Pack & Play, the bouncer ... He also likes the contrast of colors such as the TV, the white blinds with sunlight peeking through, and a photo of chocolate labs hanging on the wall. 

He still has a head full of hair!

Beautiful, wide eyes that everyone loves! They've turned a dark green by now .. 

Like most babies, Cooper loves to be held! He often sleeps the entire time visitors are here to see him. 

He has never been anywhere without his mom or dad. In fact, I've never been more than about 10 minutes away from Cooper, when I was at a craft fair and his dad took him for a drive. 

Happy one month, little love bug! Your daddy and I love you so much! It's impossible to imagine life without you.


  1. sooooooooooo beautiful!! :)
    i know that boys don't normally get called that, but he really is!!

  2. Super cute! Can't believe it has been a month already. That's why I always say that I wish the months of pregnancies would fly by as fast as the months do when the baby is here.

  3. Awesome job with BFing!! I sometimes feel a little empty around 6 as well, so that's normal. Just be confident that you are providing him everything he needs! And 4-6 hours is great sleep for a BF one-month old. I noticed that going more than 4-6 hrs at night without a feeding caused my supply to drop during the day, so there were nights when I woke to feed him or pump to help my body make more daytime milk. Those first couple months set the baseline for milk-making, and it sounds like you are doing GREAT!!!

  4. What a little cutie! He looks like he has grown so much. That's wonderful that he is doing so well with nursing and sleeping. It sounds like you are doing an excellent job, Momma!

  5. I LOVE his one month picture!! He is as adorable as it gets! And his eyes are beautiful!

    His sleep stretches are good! And what can you do about depleted milk production around that time of day? Pump more to make more? Or give him a bottle of pumped milk so he can have a fuller tummy to sleep longer? You know me... just taking notes/learning! :)


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