

Baby R2: 14 Weeks!

Written 12.2.14

How far along: Fourteen weeks. Officially in the second trimester.

How big is the baby: Size of a lemon! Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck his/her thumb. Baby can grasp and is beginning to stretch Measures about 3.5 inches from head to bottom and weighs about 1.5 ounces.

Weight gain/loss: Up 2 lbs. Which would likely be the case even if I weren't perggo with all the Thanksgiving food!

Sleep: Comes and goes. I wake up almost every night around 3-4 a.m. needing to pee and with a dry mouth, and it takes awhile to get back to sleep. I've been staying up until 10 a few nights lately, so that's definitely a plus.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Nothing specific right now. My SIL made a sweet potato dish topped with brown sugar and walnuts last week and I was really loving it so she let me keep the leftovers. It's much easier to tell you what doesn't sound good than what I want.

Gender: We'll find out when he/she is born (much to the dismay of 90 percent of the people we know.) Right now I'm leaning toward girl.

Movement: More "pressure" than actually movement I would say.

Worries: Nothing.

The belly: Definitely beginning to show. I should do like a 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. comparison shot some day! And you could definitely see my little turkey belly on Thanksgiving!


What I'm Loving: Sharing the news! We posted on FB and IG on Thursday, and I love all the sweet comments and love Baby R2 is already getting.

Symptoms: Exhaustion. Acne. Heartburn. I got a horrible cold sore on my chin this week (probably more due to the stress of the holidays than the baby) but it still stinks.

Milestones: Feeling the baby move and spreading the news!

What's different this time: I'm starting to show, and don't think it was this obvious until about 17-18 weeks last time.

What I'm looking forward to: I have a dr. apt this week and can't wait to hear the little heartbeat! We are planning to take C with us so maybe that will help make being a big brother more real for him?  

Best moment of the week: The holiday. I got to spend so much time with family friends and had all that food available ... basically a pregnant woman's dream, right?

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