

Baby R2: 36 weeks

How far along: 36 weeks, less than 30 days until my due date!

How big is the baby: Baby weighs approximately 6 lbs, gaining about an ounce a day! He/she is about 18.5 inches long, the length of a head of Romaine lettuce. "Tootie" as big brother calls the baby, is shedding most of the downing hair and the waxy substance that protects the skin. He/she is swallowing them and will become meconium passed in the first bowel movements. At the end of this week, I'm considered "early term!"

Weight gain/loss: I'm avoiding the scale these days. It was a rough week.

Sleep: Depends. I'm tired but have a hard time getting comfortable. I think I woke up for three bathroom breaks one night? And since hubs is on crutches (more on that later) I let him have my side of the bed, which is closer to the bathroom, so that's taking some getting used to.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I'm finding I'm not hungry and just eating whatever is easiest to whip up.

Gender: Still a surprise :)

Movement: A lot. This baby is in both hips and my right rib. Ouch! Must be a tall one.

Worries: Since my parents will be out of town this weekend, I don't want to go into labor while they are gone. After hubs' accident last week, I had some pretty bad contractions the following day (likely stress/exhaustion/dehydration) and was terrified I would go into labor then. Especially since a girl due the day before me ended up having her baby last week.

The belly: Big and seems to be growing by the day.

What I'm Loving: It's May, which I'm keeping my fingers crossed is baby month.

Symptoms: Back, hip and ribs hurt. I'm waddling.

Big Brother: Hugs and kisses baby Tootie every night before bed. He also picked out a present for her this weekend.
What's different this time: I didn't remember being this miserable at this point last time, but reading back over that post, it sounds like I was.

Oh, and I have a husband on crutches. Long story short, last week he was out riding/playing with the horses while I was on the treadmill and in the workout room. When I was about ready to wrap everything up, Cooper ran in saying "mommy, that horse hurt daddy's leg." I freaked and ran outside - he was standing but in pain The horse bucked and threw him, then when J landed the horse essentially fell over on him. After a little debating, we spent four glorious (haha) hours in the ER to be diagnosed with a broken foot. In the grand scheme of things, I know it's really great that it was ONLY a small bone in the foot where he could have had a broken pelvis, ribs, back, neck, etc. from such a large animal, but being on crutches really, really sucks. Orthopedic dr. today and if they won't do a walking boot I'll likely cry/flip out.

What I'm looking forward to: We have another ultrasound on Thursday!

Best moment of the week: The nursery is basically ready to go. I'm slowing ticking things off the to-do list and that calms my nerves a bit.


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