

Bumpdate: 39 weeks

Yes, I'm still pregnant.

Not that I should really be surprised - after all, I still have a week to go and most babies (especially first) are a few days late. I'm just anxious/disappointed/frustrated. People keep commenting on it, my feet look like they should be painted green (like Shrek!) and it's hard to move. I'm maybe dilated to a one. Sigh. I've pretty much consigned myself to the fact that Tuff is obviously very comfortable and may enjoy Thanksgiving through his/her umbilical chord.

There has been a lot going on, however. Thursday I was kinda crampy all day and had several contractions all night, so I hoped I would end up with my 11-11-11 baby after all. Nope, when I moved around they went away.

Saturday night/Sunday morning, I woke up around 1 a.m. due to the pain of a contraction, so I thought maybe that was triggering something. But when I took a bath (at 2 a.m., mind you) they went away - until I'd been back in bed for about 10 minutes. I don't think hubby or I one got a lot of sleep that night, as they were quite painful and he was timing them - all under a minute and again, every time I'd get up and move, they went away. I finally got up for the day around 6:30 a.m. in hopes that hubby would get some sleep. By the time he got up around 8:30 I realized that I probably had a bladder infection or something of the sort, so I got in touch with the on-call doctor, who said we should come in to L&D, mostly due to me being so far along. After talking to my doctor yesterday, it's still pretty unclear what is going on, but it looks like it's not an infection, but irritation stemming from my kidney stones. Anyhow, while I was there they hooked me up to a couple monitors to keep an eye on baby's heart rate and see if I was having any contractions. I was actually surprised to see how intense some of the contractions were, as I didn't really feel them!

Nothing to report from yesterday's doctor appointment. My blood pressure was kinda high at first, but it leveled off. Still a good, strong heartbeat in the 130s and measuring around 40 weeks. She didn't really think baby had gained much weight in the past week either. While she was checking me, she noticed I was having another contraction - which I didn't feel. Please, Lord, make sure I know I'm in labor and can deliver at the hospital!

Since I felt quite a bit of activity last Thursday, both of our bags are packed. Once I get my sweet husband to hang the art on the walls, the nursery will be done and we can get pictures :)

Anyhow, here's what my weekly email says about week 38. At that point, they are typically about 6.8 lbs and 19.5 inches. By this time, they have mastered a firm grasp and organs are mature and ready for life outside the womb!

No cravings or anything to report this week. Weight gain still around 24 lbs.

And here I am. I was thinking I still hadn't dropped, but comparing this week's bare belly shot to last, I think I may have slightly?


  1. still looking adorable and like you are smuggling a basketball under your shirt!!! :)

  2. This is the first I have seen (or noticed?) your highlights! LOVE them!

    For being ready to deliver any day now.. you look pretty darn good, girl! You really look great! You totally don't look like a 39-40 week miserable swollen pregnant person. I want to be like you! haha

    And I thnk it's great that you aren't feeling the minor contractions! That should help out on going natural!

  3. I had some effacement at 39 weeks and no dilation. Delivered at 39 weeks 1 day. It can literally happen overnight. And I'm pretty sure you will know when you're in labor. I knew/was handling it until 5cm and then it really kicked in, so there was NO doubt. Hang in there!

  4. Oh, and 24 lbs is AMAZING! Lookin' good, momma.

  5. Oh my goodness, I keep waiting to see that you have had Tuffy! Hang in there girl! I sent your gift this afternoon!


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