

My friends' parents think I'm a wino ... (weekend wrap up)

So my beautiful friend Bella, who is getting married in April, came home this weekend for a last single gal visit. She was pretty against a bachelorette, etc. but I talked her into a girls day at the winery and a really yummy supper.

Since I am, obviously, working to lose weight I volunteered to pick up her and another girl, especially since they are pretty much on my way.

Bel and her dad were "pre-partying" with wine when I stopped at her house, and her dad promptly poured me a glass to try as well. Sure. Then as we are leaving I hear him mumble under his breath to her (if you need me, call.) Drunk Michelle: 1; Responsible Michelle: 0.

Once we pick up Christine, her mom has basically the same message once she finds out I am the driver. And there are jokes that Christine will have my keys by the end of the night. Seriously?

I'm very proud to share that I kept my keys ALL NIGHT and we all got home safely. Thankyouverymuch.

In other news, I started Jillian's One Week Shred on Friday. Not very smart, doing that before the winery and such. I am now on Day Four. You do a 30-minute strength circuit in the morning and 30 minutes of cardio at night. So technically I am exactly halfway done and it's HUMP DAY! This workout is killer, brutal and makes me walk like an old lady, but I kinda like it. I definitely won't continue with two a days unless I embark on the full week again, but I will be adding these workouts, solo, into my workout routine. Just not at 5:30 a.m.

And finally, I've been trying to get back into menu planning, so here we go for the week:

Breakfasts: Oatmeal or scrambled eggs w/shredded cheese and wrapped in a tortilla shell

Lunches: Salad topped with a boiled egg and chicken

Sunday: Out to eat
Monday: Steak, baked potatoes, baked beans
Tuesday: Hamburger Helper, green beans
Wednesday: Fettuccine alfredo w/chicken, salad
Thursday: I'll be at a work event, so the boys will pick up something or have leftovers
Friday: Salmon patties, fried potatoes, mac & cheese
Saturday: Leftovers

Have a good week!

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  1. Sounds like a fun night!! I might have to look into Jillian Michaels' stuff...everyone I know who's done one of her videos/shreds/etc has really seen some improvement!

  2. I started meal planning this week too. I love doing it, saves so much time and money!!


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