So, what better way to jump back in to things than with a link-up, right?

1. My favorite Christmas was....
Two years ago! I had a brand-new, squishy baby to love on. Funny enough, I didn't get any gifts that year. J and I had bought my car about a month prior and family had done so much for us in preparing for Cooper, so I asked not to receive any presents.

And talk about a baby changing things. As I would listen to songs on the radio like "Mary, Did You Know?" and "Do You Hear What I Hear" I would just burst into sobs, because it was totally how I was feeling. Mushy postpartum mom right here.

2. The worst Christmas I had...
I was about 13 years old and had the FLU. This after the year that I had the flu on the Fourth of July. And I think the year prior it was Thanksgiving weekend? I hated holidays for awhile there. Anyhow, I was sick but my parents still drug me around to family stuff, so I basically spent the day passed out in my cousins bed. No bueno.
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" was...
A few years back, these crossbody "Ameribag" purses were all the rage where I live so I asked for one. Hubby bought one. In brown. I wear A LOT of black and really don't like to mix black and brown. I acted nice, but hubby could tell I didn't like it, and thankfully told me to go and exchange for a different color :)
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Not sure what I was thinking, I would totally use this with a black outfit now! |
4. One year I....
Put in a 10-hour workday on Christmas and it didn't bother me at all. I was a high school kid and loved the money :)
{I should also point out, in my family, Christmas Eve is a way bigger deal than the day of}
5. I think the worst gift to give is....
Generic stuff like candles (unless you know I really like candles.) One year my sister-in-law gave me a candle that I must have been allergic to because I sneezed the entire time it was burning. I just put a lot of time and thought into the gifts I give, so it irritates me when I feel like people are taking the easy way out.
6. At Christmastime I typically....
Bake and eat entirely too much! This year I am trying to cut back on the baking, but we'll see. I had the oven going half the day on Monday, and since I have two weeks off for Christmas this year, it may get ugly. I'm really trying to hold back on the oreo balls.

7. Typically, family Christmas....
Which family are we talking about? My in-laws kinda freaks me out because it's so disorganized and last-minute. My family's is amazing, we basically just show up, eat, play Dirty Santa and drink margaritas. Oh, and did I mention that we have built-in babysitters :)

8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday season....
It would be in the summer! I hate cold. Oh, and also the fact that we spend SO MUCH this time of year. Between C's birthday, our life insurance on our house being due, Christmas and property taxes, it's a rough time financially.
9. It is so hard to buy for....
My parents! I feel like they spend a fortune on us/Cooper and we can never repay it. {However, it wasn't like that when we were kids! They've worked hard and are enjoying life & spoiling us.} This year, I'm giving them a photo book of primarily Cooper, took my mom to dinner and a cooking show one night, will help my mom with some household projects one day, and then will also do a gift card to their favorite restaurant.
10. My favorite Christmas tradition is...
Since J and I have been together (I just realized this will be our 10th Christmas - holy geez!) we have never had "family" plans on Christmas. It's always been just the two of us and sure we host/drop in on others, but never any set plans. Now that we have our own family, I love this tradition. On Christmas morning, we get up and have the yummy breakfast pizza I make. Afterwards, we open gifts, which typically turns our living room into a tornado alley. Then we play with/put together gifts. I'm super excited this year because Cooper is getting some awesome stuff, and we will have a blast I'm sure. I mostly just love that we get to hang out in our pajamas all day.
Oh, and I almost forgot! We go to Hardees for lunch! We've done this for about 5 years, since it is the only place open in town that day. Ha!

11. Santa, baby, bring me a ....
Big, fat check so I can pay off my car and finish my basement. LOL! My list is pretty boring this year. I want a garment bag, pajamas, Garmin, and a few other small stuff I can't even remember right now. But hey, if he wants to surprise me with plane tickets for my Cali trip in April, that's all good, too!
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