

Baby R2: 29 weeks!

How far along: 29 weeks. Pretty much counting down the days at this point.

How big is the baby: Baby weighs about 2.5 lbs. - the size of a butternut squash - and is just over 15 inches long from head to heel. Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and the head is growing bigger to make room for the developing brain. To meet the baby's increasing nutritional demands, mama needs plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid and iron -- plus lots of calcium since baby's bones are soaking it up!

Weight gain/loss: +23 overall. We ate like crap over the past two weeks with everything going on around the house.

Sleep: OK. I'm happy to be back in a read bed now that our furniture has been delivered, but I wake up once or twice, am hot, and just can't get comfortable. The heating pad has helped.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: No aversions (see also why I have gained 23 lbs.) But I'm liking tortillas/wraps, pasta, salad, strawberries and tomatoes/cucumbers. Oh and peanuts.

Gender: We'll find out when born!

Movement: Lots of it, mostly low and/or in my hip.

Worries: Nothing really. Regarding the pressure I'm feeling, doctor says normal, especially since baby is so low, and did recommend I buy a prenatal cradle. I made fun of those last pregnancy so it was tough to do, but that thing really does help.

The belly: Still growing. I think I'm carrying low.
Excuse the tired look, but just keeping it real
What I'm Loving: The weather seems to be taking a turn for the better and I'm thrilled. We've had two family walks outside (I even jogged about a quarter mile on Monday and it felt great) and I've been getting out with a coworker on my lunch break.

Symptoms: Mostly just the back pain, but I'm starting to get the sinuses again as well.

Milestones: I really have a hard time with this category so it's probably going to disappear

Big Brother: Nothing especially cute or different this week, but he keeps telling people he has a baby in his belly, like mommy!

What's different this time: Mostly that the baby is so low. And since we have the knowledge of how big my babies are now, I had a good talk with my dr. at last week's appt. - ultrasound to check growth at 36 weeks, and we go from there. If baby is 80-90th percentiles, we will likely induce at 39 weeks. I'm still not thrilled with an induction, but at peace with it (especially since that means getting this baby out even sooner!)

What I'm looking forward to: Our master suite project being DONE so I can get back to life as normal.

Best moment of the week: Sleeping in our room again and enjoying the new furniture. We are touching up the bathroom now and the chest hubs is using had some minor damage so they are sending us a new one to replace it, so the project isn't completely done, but it's nice to have a bit of my space back, even though it isn't exactly organized.

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