- It's been a rough past week. Work keeps knocking me on my behind, and in the past week, I've had: one night presentation, one luncheon, and three days working at our main campus. So I'm more or less exhausted and in need of a little break. Thank goodness for naps.
- Easter weekend was amazing! Mister Cooper had a great time and totally made out from the Easter Bunny. His Grandma & PaPa gave him some new clothes, too.
- Comparing the two pictures above, I think it's safe to say my baby's hair is coming back. Every morning it looks a bit thicker and I love it!
- Thank goodness we had some beautiful weather Easter weekend. Obviously when extended families get together, it tends to get a bit loud inside, which tends to frazzle Coop a bit, so it was nice to be able to take him outside. Also, so nice to have one gathering on Saturday and the other on Sunday ... and I'm planning to do an Easter recap soon.
- As the holiday weekend ended, things took a quick nosedive. Once we got home from Arkansas, I took a shower and all of a sudden I just felt like I had been run over by a mack truck ... and I was freezing. I was running a fever that continued through the night and unfortunately, I HAD to go to work on Monday. The fever continued and finally broke around 6 a.m. Tuesday. Since a 24 hour bug was going around, I figured I caught that or maybe Coop's virus from the week before. Well, when I had little blisters on my hands, feet and in my mouth later in the week, we knew I ended up with Cooper's virus. Ugh.
- Sometimes, a boy just wants milk & cookies. Ha! Cooper has taken such an interest in real food, but we are holding strong on making him wait until six months. I told hubby we'll have to make sure we give him something really good first ... I'm thinking carrots.
- I know so many pregnant people. It's exciting!
- I miss being pregnant. I got to thinking and, other than those last few weeks and when I had kidney stones, I really loved it.
- Earlier today, I got to thinking of how much extra time I'll have in my life once I stop breastfeeding - God-willing, in November. Just think - I spend about 30 minutes in the morning between feeding and pumping, three pumping breaks at work that amount to about 45 minutes, I'd guess, and then two more 20-minute sessions in the evening. That's a lot of time! But so worth it.
- I've decided I need to start working out again, but I have no idea what to do, or how to carve out the time.
- Hubby is on vacation the first week of May. It seems so far away, but that's in less than two weeks! Where is the time going?
- We went to a birthday party for one of Coop's little friends this weekend and he did great!
- I'm working really hard on getting back in the groove of blogging. Which includes commenting on yours :) I've been reading, just not taking the time to comment. i know...
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Look at all of those eggs in his little Easter basket!! That's just terrible you ended up with his virus :( Hope it didn't last too long!
ReplyDeleteThat cookies and milk picture is priceless! Grayson has a onsie that says "I've never met a cookie I didn't like." ha.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better after that virus. :(
I need to get back to blogging too. My schedule has finally opened up so perhaps I can do just that. :)
I'm sure every person about to deliver a baby goes through this but I totally know what you mean about wanting to get back to exercising. My belly is getting so big, my thighs are bigger. My feet are swollen and some in my hands. I just want to get back to my normal size and then start losing. :(