

Baby R2: 19 weeks

How far along: Nineteen weeks. Almost halfway there.

How big is the baby: Baby R2 is the size of an heirloom tomato. He/she weighs roughly 8.5 ounces and measures about 6 inches from head to bottom. Sensory development is exploding and the brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Research suggests baby may be able to hear by now.

Weight gain/loss: Up 10 lbs. Ugh. I've been doing some working out, drinking more water and eating healthier so I'm kinda bummed about it.

Sleep: Great! We flipped the mattress on our bed last week and I've been using the body pillow which is a huge help.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: A Froyo place opened in town and I really love that. I'm loving fruits and veggies right now though!

Gender: Still thinking girl.

Movement: Felt the first kick on NYE. Hubs felt a little something on Monday night as well.

Worries: That I am totally out of shape! I purchased a heart rate monitor to make sure I don't overdo my workouts, and my heart rate was WAY high about 3 minutes into jogging about a 9:40 pace. GRRRR. I'll build it back up. I have a goal to run/walk a 5K while preggo this spring and would like to run at least half.

The belly: Still growing but not big enough to hold up maternity clothes. I'm laughing at Michelle from a couple months ago who thought she was bigger this time - it's pretty much the same size belly, but maybe rounder/higher. Here's a comparison to Cooper - C on the left, today on the right.


I'm thinking it's rounder and a bit higher this time.

What I'm Loving: I'm almost halfway there! Really not digging pregnancy too much this time.

Symptoms: Tired. I think I'm getting a cold as well, which is no good.

Milestones: Went to the doctor last week and it was a good, quick appt. Baby's heart rate was 168. Just cruising along at this point. I go back the 22nd for the anatomy scan and another checkup. Having the anatomy scan is always a relief to ensure everything is how it should be.
Also, I began feeling some kicks here and there on NYE.

What's different this time: I'm not enjoying pregnancy as much. With that being said, I get very crabby in the winter, when its cold, so that could be part of it!

What I'm looking forward to: Hubby and I are going out of town (to Nashville!) this weekend so I'm excited for a little getaway.

Best moment of the week: Feeling the baby kick! Big brother is starting to understand and saying "Baby Sister" more and more (heaven help us if it's a Baby Brother!) which eases my concerns about how he will handle the transition.

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