

Top Two Tuesday

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish in 2011 lately, so this TTT comes at the perfect time!

{1} To be a better me. This means being healthier (food choices and working out), more positive, nicer (quit that talking behind others' backs!) and anything that makes me someone I would admire, respect and look up to. I really need to work on not getting caught up on what others think of me, and learning that, when they may not treat me as well as I think they should, to turn the other cheek and walk away instead of talking back. I also need to learn how to better let go - and, in some instances, just cut people out of my life!

{2} Be better at handling money. Sometimes, I feel like I'm great three weeks out of the month, then splurge the last week. I think I do a good job of saving, but I really need to figure out how to budget gifts and some splurge funds for myself into the budget. In terms of our budget as a couple, I want to see if there is any fat to be trimmed. Also, we aim to have our lawn mower paid off during the free interest period (by March - yikes!) and also have the shed we recently purchased paid off during its free interest period, which ends in November. Actually, I'd love to just have them both paid off as soon as we have the money!

I can't wait to read everyone else's lists! I think seeing what others plan to do really makes me examine my own life and question whether there is room for improvement. 


  1. Wow... if you figure out how to NOT worry about what other think of you, I wanna know your secret. I SOO struggle with that one.

    Great choices.


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