

30 Days of Thankfulness: Week Two

Day Eight: Thankful for modern technology like Internet, smartphones, messenger and DVR. Makes life so awesome!

Day Nine: SO very thankful for our sitter, Ms. Robin. She really loves our Mister. Not only that, she lets me drop him off at 5:30 am when I have early morning meetings like today!

Day 10: Thankful for lazy Saturday mornings when we all get to cuddle and play in bed after C gets his morning milk :)

Day 11: Thankful for veterans and all the freedoms they have fought to earn and keep for our country!

Day 12: Thankful for strong and healthy teeth! Yes, I had a dental check up today :)

Day 13: thankful for friends' kids who helped me learn how to be a mom. Happy fourth birthday, Payton Oliver!

Day 14: Thankful for CHEERIOS! They keep the Mister happy and occupied while I finish getting ready for work in the morning.

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