

Thirty Days of Thankfulness

On Facebook, I am one of those people participating in the 30 Days of Thankfulness. So, I decided to share them on here every Thursday :)

As a disclaimer yes, I agree that we should be thankful every day, not just during November. However, I also think it is good to participate in these types of things, because it really makes you see what you are thankful for. Of course, these are in no particular order, just what was on my mind that day.


Day One: thankful for a hubby who did dishes and cooked supper when he saw life had me overwhelmed!

Day Two: Thankful for a job! Not thankful I have to work, but that I have an enjoyable job to help contribute in my household.

Day three: Thankful for a beautiful home. Even though I hate cleaning it, we are so fortunate to have it.

Day Four: Thankful our family has so many clothes I spend the entire weekend doing laundry :)

Day Five: Thankful for my sweet, healthy, hard-willed baby boy!

Day Six: Thankful for the right to vote!

Day Seven: thankful for super creative friends who fulfill my design needs for invitations and more!

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