

Man, oh man

Today is not my day.

I had planned a fabulous little weekend update for today, in addition to catching up on my 31 Days series, but ugh.

I have an icky cold sore that decided to blister over today. I hit the snooze button on the alarm clock way too many times this morning. Once I finally began to get dressed, I noticed my shirt was missing a button. I select my clothes the night before so this totally threw me.

My kid refused to eat his breakfast today and kept throwing his milk yelling "Cocklate!" Geez Louise child. You are a brat. Then on the way out of the door (after I packaged his bacon topped with ketchup in a tupperware) he decides to grab it, then wipe the ketchup on his white T-shirt and even getting some on my shirt. Lovely. Thankfully it blotted off, because I sure as hell wasn't changing outfits yet again.

Oh, and did I mention I popped my wrist on Saturday and my carpal tunnel is acting up? Of course, my brace was in the office and I refused to pay $15 for another. Now I can't really rotate my wrist. It's lovely.

Can the weekend just get here already?

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1 comment:

  1. One of THOSE days, huh? Don't you wish we had a reset button? Where you could just start over on the right foot instead? We all get days like these. I sure hope it's turned around and is better tomorrow.

    I, also, have totally thought and said Gray was being a brat. Something about the toddler stage that just brings these tendencies and it drives me crazy already. I hate having to punish him and feel like I'm being mean. And Grayson is 100% total boy, always looking for trouble (and as I like to say: he doesn't have to - because it will surely always find HIM!) always doing things I tell him NOT to do... ugh.. drives me crazy. And yet, I love him more than life. lol

    Find some things that you enjoy and do them this evening. It'll make you're day better. :)


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